
1. Product supply support:
New Vision Film will provide the franchisee with the required automotive film product supply and ensure the quality and stability of the supply.
2. Technical training support:
New Vision Film will provide professional technical training, including automotive film technology, operation process and other aspects of the training, to help franchisees quickly master the skills.
3. Brand support:
New Vision Film will provide brand support, including brand publicity, advertising support, etc., to help franchisees establish brand image, increase awareness and market competitiveness.
4. Equipment support:
New Vision Film will provide the necessary equipment support, such as film placement machine, cutting machine, etc., to ensure that franchisees have the necessary equipment and tools for film placement construction.
5. Operation support:
New Vision Film will provide operational support, including store location, decoration design, decoration support, etc., to help franchisees operate, and provide management experience and guidance.
6. Sales and Marketing support:
New Horizons Film can provide sales and marketing support, including sales training, sales strategy, market research, etc., to help franchisees establish sales channels, develop customers, and improve sales performance.
7. Customer Service support:
New Vision Film can provide customer service support, including after-sales service training, complaint handling guidance, etc., to help franchisees provide good customer service and increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.
8. Cost control support:
New Vision Film can provide cost control support, including material procurement guidance, cost analysis and management, price strategy and other aspects of help to help franchisees improve profitability and operating efficiency.
9. Purchase and inventory management support:
New Vision Film can provide purchase and inventory management support, including inventory management training, supply chain management, etc., to help franchisees rationally purchase and manage inventory and reduce business risks.
10. Real-time update support:
New Vision film can provide real-time update support, including new product promotion, technology updates, etc., to maintain the competitiveness and innovation ability of franchisees in the industry.

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